Lombard Staff
Say “hello” to two-way messaging in the Galesburg 205 app! The same district app now offers class streams, class announcements, and parent-teacher chat. Parents and Guardians, look for your personalized invitation to begin using this feature in our app on Monday, February 10!
Students and Volunteer
SilasWillard #SilasWildcats
Summer Family Engagement Activities
Silas Willard Newletter #SilasWildcats
Spelling  Bee
Silas Willard Wildcats
Silas Willard PTO
Ice Cream Social #SilasWildcats
king student
April Newsletter
Welcome to CUSD #205
March Students of the Week #SilasWildcats
Silas Willard #SilasWildcats
Students of the Week #SilasWildcats