June 2, 2023
Please click HERE to see our open positions! We are looking to add qualified members to the Silas Willard team for the 2023-2024 school year! Apply today!

May 17, 2023
Parents: This is just a reminder that we will have our 4th grade Music Performance on Thursday, May 18th.

May 4, 2023
Ice Cream Social Donation Reminder-Due Friday, May 5 The Silas Willard Ice Cream Social is tomorrow, May 5 from 5pm-7pm. There will be games, sweets, face painting, a silent a...

April 26, 2023
This is just a reminder that our ice cream social is scheduled for May 5, 2023 at 5pm here at Silas Willard! We look forward to seeing all of you here for fun, games, a silent auc...

April 24, 2023
As the school year comes to a close, Bright Futures students and staff are celebrating a successful year, while preparing for what comes next...KINDERGARTEN! On April 18 and 20t...

April 20, 2023
It has been a busy week for the CUSD #205 Fine Arts Department! Some of the district’s Fine Arts Department including Andy Empey, Devin Cano, Dena Baity, and Kyle Barshinger visit...

April 17, 2023
Good Morning,
Please find our April/May 2023 Newsletter linked HERE . We look forward to seeing all of you at the annual Ice Cream Social held on May 5! It's hard to believe w...

March 21, 2023
Good Afternoon!
This is just a reminder that state testing starts on Wednesday, March 22! Please see the flyer for more details. This is a follow up from the Newsletter that w...

March 9, 2023
Tutoring is Cancelled for Tonight, March 9, 2023, due to weather and road conditions.

March 2, 2023
Please click HERE for the March Newsletter! There are many important items to review!

March 1, 2023
Please join us for MATH NIGHT!!! You won't want to miss this fun family event!

February 17, 2023
This is just a reminder that we will not have school on Monday, February 20th due to the observance of Presidents Day! However, we have an awesome week of Spirit Days planned for ...

February 3, 2023
Click HERE to view the February 2023 Newsletter!