Upcoming Dates to Remember!

More MVPs!

More MVPs!

More MVPs for the week!

Our MVPs for the week!

No Tutoring This Week! Just a reminder.

Spring Pictures are April 2! More information will be sent home in the next few weeks!

Tiger Cast for the week!!
The newscasters caught the giggles!

Student Council, hard at work!!

Our student council is helping us to gear up for IAR!

Our MVPs -group 2!

Our MVPs for the week-group 1!

In honor of Black History Months, several students worked with Mrs. Vaynerman, Ms. Lungalang, and Mr. Varela to create a video based on Langston Hughes' poetry. Well done!

Our latest Tiger Cast!

MVPs for the week (Continued)

Our MVPs for the week!

In the words of MLK

The 2019-2020 School year calendar has two built in emergency days during the month of March, March 12 & March 13. Dr. Asplund has decided to change the emergency days to non student attendance days. To clarify, there will be no student attendance on March 12 & March 13.

Young Black Historians came to King School to present a Black History Month program. They did an excellent job!

Mission. Possible- King students earned a whole-school reward today for reducing office referrals. Congratulations King students!