King Families... We want your feedback!
Tomorrow is the first day of Read Across America Spirit Week at King! "Hats Off to Reading Day" is the first event!
We would like to thank author and illustrator, Nancy Carlson, who visited all three elementary schools today! #Thisis205
We would like to thank author and illustrator, Nancy Carlson, who visited all three elementary schools today! #Thisis205
Save the date! Bring your future Kindergartner on Monday, April 15, 2024, from 5:30-6:30 p.m. We look forward to meeting the Class of 2037 and their families. More information will be available soon! #Thisis205
Happy 100th Day! We had such a great 100th day of learning yesterday!!!
Save the Date! You don't want to miss one of the most exciting games at Thiel this year! #Thisis205 #StreaksNation
Congratulations to the King School Dream Makers Award winners this week!
Congratulations to our Attendance Winners at King School!
2nd and 3rd grade students will be attending the Youth Entertainment Series performance at the Orhpeum Theater on February 6th.
Congratulations to our Dream Makers Award Winner at King School!
Congratulations to the King School Dream Makers Award Winners!
Congratulations to our private breakfast winners!
The Give Back, Galesburg Be the CHANGE Coin Collection is happening this week at King Elementary, Silas Willard Elementary, Steele Elementary, and Lombard Middle School! We invite students to bring in any spare change (or bills) to contribute to their class container! The money collected supports the Kleine Pediatric Wellness Center which provides programs and gifts that benefit students! The collection ends Thursday afternoon and the winning class will get an extra PE Session next with Silver Streak Athletes! Bring in that change! #Thisis205
January 23, 2024 will be a ONE HOUR LATE START for all Galesburg Schools. Thank you.
Due to the Icy conditions, all Galesburg CUSD 205 Schools will be closed Monday, January 22, 2024. Thank you
Due to a shortage of First Student Bus Drivers, we are unable to have school today. We apologize for the late notice. Stay Safe and Warm. Thank you
The PTO meeting has been rescheduled for Tuesday January 23. Hope to see you there!
Due to inclement weather and extremely cold temperatures, all Galesburg schools will be closed on Tuesday, January 16, 2024.
Thank you
Join us tomorrow for the King PTO meeting!