November 10th was Kindness Day at King School!
about 3 years ago, Lindsay Armstrong
Kindness Day
Kindness Day
November 10th was Kindness Day at King School!
about 3 years ago, Lindsay Armstrong
November 10th was Kindness Day at King School!
about 3 years ago, Lindsay Armstrong
Congratulations to our newest Dream Makers Award Winners!
about 3 years ago, Lindsay Armstrong
Dream Makers
Dream Makers
Please join us for ....Family Reading Night TOMORROW from 5:30-7:00 PM. We will be serving a FREE pizza dinner while supplies last.
about 3 years ago, Valerie Hawkins
Just in time for gift giving...the School Spirit Wear Online Store is now OPEN! #THISis205
about 3 years ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
School Spirit Wear
King School Spirit Week beigns Monday November 15! In preparation for our Family Reading Night, the literacy team is hosting a Spirit Week to pair with each of the 5 books of our focus for Family Reading Night. Tomorrow will be Pajama Day!
about 3 years ago, Valerie Hawkins
Families..... mark your calendars to join us at King School for Family Reading Night!
about 3 years ago, Valerie Hawkins
Mrs. Lovell's class used the cooperative learning structure known as "Quiz, Quiz, Trade" to review facts about the midwest region. This structure gets every student moving, talking, and involved in learning at the same time!!!
about 3 years ago, Valerie Hawkins
Congratulations to our newest Dream Makers award winner!
about 3 years ago, Lindsay Armstrong
Dream Makers
Congratulations to our Dean Raffle Winner, Colby! Colby is a 2nd grader that put all of his attendance raffle tickets towards winning Dean for 20 minutes!
about 3 years ago, Lindsay Armstrong
Congraulations to our DEAN Raffle Winner!
King School Deans!
Congratulations to our latest 2nd grade Dream Makers award winners!
about 3 years ago, Lindsay Armstrong
Dream Makers
Dream Makers
Congratulations to our latest Dream Makers award winners!
about 3 years ago, Lindsay Armstrong
Dream Makers
Dream Makers
Dream Makers
Dream Makers
King Kindness Day will be Wednesday, November 10th to honor our community's Veterans! Please wear Red, White and Blue!
about 3 years ago, Lindsay Armstrong
King Kindness Day!
Congratulations to King School's latest Dream Makers award winners!
about 3 years ago, Lindsay Armstrong
Dream Makers
Dream Makers
Dream Makers
First graders ended their Amplify Science unit on Animal and Plant Defenses with a visit from DJ Cain. DJ brought turkeys from his farm to allow students to ask questions and learn about these animals up close!
about 3 years ago, Valerie Hawkins
Thank you for to our King School Dream Makers for helping to pass out our Blessing in a Backpack to students on Friday!
about 3 years ago, Valerie Hawkins
Meet Principal Daniel! He used his attendance raffle tickets for a chance to be the Principal for 20 minutes!
about 3 years ago, Valerie Hawkins
Congratulations to our latest Dream Makers award winners! These third grade students have won this award for showing kindness, respect, and empathy in the classroom!
about 3 years ago, Lindsay Armstrong
Dream Makers
Dream Makers
Meet our new Dean (for 20 minutes), Layla! She won this privilege through our attendance raffle! Congratualtions Dean Layla!
about 3 years ago, Lindsay Armstrong
Dean for 20!