Teamwork on a Friday!
Students in Mrs. Schisler's class learned about dolphins and labeling in their group!
Families...would you like your student to attend Galesburg 205 events for FREE! Make sure you request a student activity pass.
Reminder: The start of the school day at King Elementary is 8:15 a.m. Do not arrive or drop students off before 8 a.m. If your student arrives before 8 a.m. you will be contacted by the school to come and pick up your student. Thank you.
So great to meet you this week King Families!!
We had an AMAZING first day at King! Here are a few tips regarding arrival and dismissal. Looking forward to a great second day!
FIrst day of school is TOMORROW!!!
THANK YOU King Families for coming to "Meet the Teacher Night"!
"POP" in to meet your new teacher TONIGHT!!!
King Students and Families... Come meet your teachers and "POP" in to see Mrs. Hawkins tomorrow night!
King Families...Don't forget to register for school and come to see us at Meet the Teacher Night!
We can't wait to see you soon! #ThisISKingSchool
School Supplies for the 2022-2023 School year will be provided for all CUSD #205 Students for the upcoming school year! #Thisis205
Don't wait! Contact your health provider to schedule your school physical appointment today! #Thisis205
2nd graders in Mrs. Weisenberger's class "Filled their Bucket" with kind behavior and enjoyed the cooperative learning structure "Stand Up, Hand Up, Pair Up" outside!
Incoming King Kindergarten families please call to schedule your screening!
King Families, unfortunately, our Family Math Night scheduled for Thursday May 26 will be cancelled.
King Families...join us for Family Math Night and Ice Cream!
Congratulations to our newest Dean winner at King School!
We have another Dean for 20 minutes winner at King School!