We are looking for students in 3rd through 6th grade to audition for the Galesburg Senior High School spring musical! #StreaksNation #Thisis205
about 2 years ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
sponge bob
It is a short week but we will still be available today and tomorrow! #SELin205 #Thisis205
about 2 years ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
Congratulations to our newest Dean winners at King School!
about 2 years ago, Lindsay Armstrong
King Families... Can't wait to see you THIS Thursday!!
about 2 years ago, Valerie Hawkins
Keisha Cares is getting a makeover. We can't wait to unveil the new look soon! #SELin205 #Thisis205
about 2 years ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
Keisha Cares
Please see the following image regarding King School's Kindness Day for November!
about 2 years ago, Lindsay Armstrong
Veteran's Day
Come see us this week! #SELin205 #Thisis205
about 2 years ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
SEL schedule
King Families.... Fall Conferences begin TOMORROW night Thursday October 27!
about 2 years ago, Valerie Hawkins
Congratulations to these students that won Private Lunch in the Cafeteria at King School!
about 2 years ago, Lindsay Armstrong
Private Lunch Winners
Private lunch winners2
Congratulations to King School's newest Dream Maker Award Winner in 3rd grade!
about 2 years ago, Lindsay Armstrong
Dream Makers
Congratulations to our private lunch winners this week!
about 2 years ago, Lindsay Armstrong
Private lunch winners
lunch winners
Join us! #Selin205 #Thisis205
about 2 years ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
Sel on wheels
We hope you come visit us this week! #SELin205 #Thisis205
about 2 years ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
sel schedule
Congratulations to our newest Dean for 20 Minutes Winner at King School!
about 2 years ago, Lindsay Armstrong
Congratulations to King School's latest Dream Makers Award Winners! We have 2 first grade winners, and 1 third grade winner this week!
about 2 years ago, Lindsay Armstrong
Dream Makers
Dream Makers2
Dream Makers3
Congratulations to our newest Dean for 20 minutes winner at King School!
about 2 years ago, Lindsay Armstrong
Congratulations to our private lunch winners!
about 2 years ago, Lindsay Armstrong
Private lunch winners!
Mark your calendars! We look forward to seeing families at the Galesburg High School Student Council Trunk-or-Treat! #Thisis205 #StreaksNation
about 2 years ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
trunk or treat
Please join us for an important town hall about school safety on Tuesday, November 1st at Galesburg Junior Senior High School. Click the link, https://forms.gle/LajEJzEeLVDEtB3Z6 to submit questions and/or request transportation. #Thisis205
about 2 years ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
school safety meeting